SHIT FLOATS President Trump survived four years of contemptible Twitter diatribe, lies, deceit, and total incompetence especially in relation to dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic (which killed over 500,000 Americans). He also survived a record 2 impeachments and only with senior Republicans providing incomprehensible support. Including this cowboy: Yes, Pence refused to send votes back to the states on that fateful day but only because legality and the constitution did not allow it. The question is ‘what was Trump’s hold on these politicians and others?’ The Republicans have allowed Trump to stand again for public office with the distinct possibility that he will split the Republican vote and provide Democrats with an even larger majority in both houses. I just don’t understand it… Arguably the biggest floater of them all and the man behind many of the problems facing the world and especially the mass migration of desperate Syrian refugees with his illegal bombing of innocent civilians trying to survive in Syria’s flattened cities (and a strategy to disunite EU nations through increased migration border pressures). War crimes galore, the poisoning, killing, injuring and jailing of opponents set to continue with his guaranteed tenure of the presidency for many years to come. No wonder Trump likes and trusts him… Syria president Bashar al-Assad has survived only with the assistance of Putin effectively extending the destruction and misery of Syria’s people, ably assisted by Iran’s and Turkey’s leaders. Damascus is now like an island in the middle of a sea of total destruction and human misery. And yet he’s still there… Xi Jinping of China is another tyrant who has awarded himself a permanent leader position. His treatment of the Uyghu population is at last causing international political ripples and censure, and who knows what the next Hong Kong moves will be, and the future of Taiwan. There comes a time when principles must trump all other considerations. Both China and Russia should be isolated to dwell in their own filth and evil. That time is now. |