Political Inhumanity Motion pictures sometimes deliver the most profound and true messages. SCROOGE is one such film which concludes that deep underneath the wickedness of some humans lies a dormant level of humanity, and it seems to be becoming increasingly rare for it to surface… IF ONLY this was more common. Today’s world is the most inhumane and violent since WW2, and at the heart of this are leading politicians whose sole purposes in life seems to be enrichment and achieving/maintaining power. Even the USA, once the bastion of democracy and freedom, has succumbed. And it’s going to be even worse when Trump enters office on the back of a convincing election victory with Republicans 100% in control of the administration. Now, more than ever, Europe has to look inwards for justice and protection leaving the USA to internalise and struggle on its own. Never before have I witnessed a once proud nation press the self-destruct button… The Middle East Along with Russia, you can now add the USA to the list of killer nations with thousands of deaths and total destruction of infrastructure to its name. I speak of the substantial financial and arms support unconditionally supplied to Israel who will no doubt be convicted of war crimes in relation to Gaza and the West Bank. The demolition of Syria’s defences for no reason - an illegal and sustained attack - has met with a deafening silence from the USA and others including the UK. The Middle East is in turmoil centred around Israel’s twelve month bombardment of Palestinians and their homes with 44,000 dead, 120,000 injured, thousands missing and 70% of built infrastructure destroyed. Gaza is effectively uninhabitable. One only has to look at the map to establish Israel’s true intentions - it’s a land grab relating to both Gaza and the West Bank. And Israel’s leaders are carrying it out brutally and with impunity. |