Newton Faulkner Live Surrounded by several guitars and his signature percussion kit he opens with what happens to be one of my favourite Faulkner creations, ‘Feels Like Home’. For me, the song reveals much of the nature of this singer/songwriter: a voice able to accurately reflect a song’s sentiments, simple but strong lyrical content, acute instrumental skills, and finally, songs that come from experience with a strong emotional pull. When things don’t feel right Like Sam Richardson before him, Faulkner’s folk/rock style sometimes inches towards country but the next song ‘Pulling Teeth’ exposes his ability to travel mainstream pop, and very successfully. ‘Orange Skies’ signals a demand for audience participation whose challenge is immediately and effectively accepted. Faulkner’s vocal is piercing and true: Was born in 85 The artist takes us on a best-of journey through 8 albums although surprisingly the setlist only includes a single song from his latest release, ‘Rest Of Me’. His ability to combine string with percussion gives him a rare USP and especially when performed with such aplomb. During the set Faulkner displays his skill as a communicator and complete entertainer as he humorously chats with the sell-out audience. But it’s the songs that resonate so effectively with his audience and the singer’s ability to match tone with sentiments are that are deeply personal: I need something to believe in I rate this a perfect night’s entertainment and occasionally a very emotional experience. The setlist offered a welcome diversity of pace and mood. The players, the venue, the audience worked together to create a night to remember. Setlist Feels Like Home